Democracy Now! Election 2012 Silenced Majority Tour

Text by Democracy Now!

Democracy Now! is on the road for a 100-city Election 2012 Silenced Majority Tour. Between now and Election Day, Democracy Now! will broadcast live across the United States, traveling through many of the electoral swing states, going beyond the mainstream media’s obsessive focus on the latest poll numbers and candidate gaffes, to examine how people are organizing; the impacts of restrictive voter ID laws that are making it harder to vote; and how the massive influx of campaign cash following the Citizens United decision is changing how our democracy works.

Amy Goodman‘s latest book, The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope, written with Denis Moynihan, provides a vivid record of the events, conflicts, and social movements shaping our society today. The Silenced Majority pulls back the veil of corporate media reporting to dig deep into the politics of “climate apartheid,” the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the movement to halt the execution of Troy Anthony Davis, and the globalization of dissent from Tahrir Square to Liberty Plaza. Throughout, Goodman and Moynihan show the work of ordinary people to change their media—and change the world.

Join us for a public event near you—to help raise critical funds for the public community television and radio stations across the country.