Category Archives: Film

DVD box set – 25 Films by Akira Kurosawa !!!

Akira Kurosawa portrait

Kurosawa dvd box setOn the centenary of Akira Kurosawa’s birth, Criterion pays tribute to the Rashomon posterJapanese cinema great with a monumental box set, AK 100.

The 25 films gathered in this treasury include Kurosawa’s ultimate whodunit and international breakthrough Rashomon; his ever-epiphanic masterpiece Seven Samurai; the princess-and-peasants caper that inspired Star Wars, The Hidden Fortress; and colorful, late-career opuses like Ran and Kagemusha.

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A Japanese documentary about the examination of the 8th Dan in Kendo.

Sato Hironobu sensei (Kendo 8th Dan hanshi) and me at the BUDOKAN in Tokyo. Photo by Peter Ryan.

Sato Hironobu sensei (Kendo 8th Dan hanshi) and me at the BUDOKAN in Tokyo. Photo by Peter Ryan.

Text by Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi

As you might know I have been a long time in Japan studying Japanese martial arts, such as Judo and Kendo. For a while I studied both martial arts, but later I decided to focus only on Kendo.

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Trailer of “The Poot” – a 2009 documentary about Persian handmade carpet by Elham Asadi.

The Poot posterSelected and screened at Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festivals (IDFA).

Interview with Elham Asadi @ Radio Zamaneh, Amsterdam (in Persian).

IDFA writers: “Carpet weaving is one of the oldest trades in the Persian world, but just as with so many traditions, the craft is under fire these days. Many of the carpets that end up on the European market are mechanically manufactured in China or India, and the handicraft is becoming less attractive because people can earn more money in other occupations.

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