Steve D. Dalachinsky Remembers Lawrence D. “Butch” Morris

Poetry by Steve D. Dalachinsky

Conduction 118

(Butch Morris @ Tonic)

the line blurred

the image made obscure

this is relentless irrelevantly seeming

tie between music & blood

fingers flicking like violin string


the almost spasmodic near-nausea blending

of dare i say unearthly sounds

oh lowly creatures  that we are

wretched devisors

tunnel taxed to its maximum

capacity the suddenness of that precise

abrupt light       on an unclean watch

the spill as spread across the floor

like the turntable-ist’s scratch

within infant genes

of orchestra

here i put the fabric that

holds me in place

peel the music of its layers

lie within the belly of the crater

tulip’s star black & golden

star created by fantasorganismic erupt

corrupting the purity of oh that’s

Butch up there batoning his arms into oceans

Billy’s eyes awaiting the signal

Christian turning near dulled fingers wiped clean of prints

Sharp printing electric power pages

scouring the very hairs of our souls

skinned Graham’s skinned Simon’s busy reverse

young women in black cloth darting & re-inverting

your indentured crown of swallowed thorns

revealed to as i revel in this

the moment itself  axiom cleaned & made clear

at the roots the very fragmented pulsing of

a lost bewildered melody   a flickering of heartpump

& here i close uncountable letters

typed onto my biology

residing in the residue of me

plain/thinking being

resident reflection of mankind

residue of calculated risk.


(Butch Morris @ the Bowery Poetry Club 7/16/02)

 set 2 pc. #1


kith kin

beneath skin

the amber waves

stretching toward stretching


mts of highways of

mts of

bricked up crazy waking evening

cooing warble of ghost

of middle passion

blown thru interior of

body contained in long long line that is a country’s breath

locked down tight frenzy of the skull’s transition

allaholymessomissinglinks apeak & chirpin inta foward


upascape & down another scaling the tipper scales the falling light

a skyhook caught across acoming tongue of stripe-jacketed monumoments

cycling as a solo jaggedz thru a tunnel-o-tunes

tipsy, conductor snoops last stop the night that pass amidst its passage

of pith & spin

& cold flattened metal

oh the headshot

& the long dark march

toward the bottom of the sky

mts of highways of mts of climbers &

jumpers & skiers & droppers &

pushers & ash spangled


the song of off-scale sorrow beyond the beauty of sorrow

above the murderous hurtling joys of flesh

scarification of witness to the scrappers

now fell from the mouth of the world

now scraped from the tongue of the world

so let them lie make love & dream atop the straw

the soft soft straw

that only barely saturates their tender skins.



insert   remove  revert  divert & move  an entrance into:

a trusting blind allegiance  /  a new kind of freedom  /  FREEDOM / bridging space

dome of the rock  / what’s inside the stone  /  infusing ideas with passion

po-po-iee-tick-s as the train of  music moves  CONDUCTION

as the clouds pile thru the speaker logic  /   wangle mangle  tingle / mingle

pulsing portraits & unlimited possibilities  / life melodies  & solar flexes

weaving   charged  miles   /  toward the  greater journey   /  a way to shape / reshape

connect    instant graffiti    &   gratification   disconnect     reconnect

interlocking  &  unlocking  /  immediate social & musical network  /  FLOW

the flame itself  /   right down to the bone   /   sweating glass of daydreams

diverse significant appropriate evening out /  serendipitous / charged

moving & textural /  evocative  challenging conventional  & traditional expectation

powerful communicative & emotional a new way in which music is composed & played

     something that makes one think spontaneously

resonating / interpretative / forward looking /  significant / subversive / submersive

a way to reshape  audience expectation

textural / thematic / melodious / dynamic / tonal / repetitive / modulated / gentle

connecting the VAROOOOOMM KAZOOOOM & basic fabric

pulsing harmonic waves / river into sea / sea to endless sea /   responsive / fluid

moving toward a greater journey  /  charged with miles of mobile invisible apparel

crescendo-causing /  punctuated / swelling / echoing / divergent / suggestive

rhythmic / thematic / orchestral / syncopated  melting bottomless constancy  emotive  & profound knowing soaring heartbeat   / interplay / breath /

explosive inspired frenzy  aggressive floating tapestry

“disappearing into concentrated bursts appearing    reappearing     disappearing.”

buzzing punctuation /  punctuation  is repeat   repeat

smooth combative intuitive astonishing absolute energy     aspiring inspiring.

syncopated  free structure(d)  rising rolling timeless currents of sound

resonant  throbbing   pulsing   emotion

unifying cadences  gliding  guiding  arousing  illuminating

suggestive / melodic / allowing swirling patterns   /  pulling and releasing,

interpretative evocative  moving  demanding

a means to expand     contract         compress     express

a way of sticking together    a receding tide   an onslaught of waves

strength of vocabulary applied  / spontaneous interpretation of the score /  process /

moving through sharp staccatos /  subtle  incomprehensible magic

the elegance of a solo/  arpeggios /  a wash of melodies

keeping the tonal thematic consistency

foundations that support soaring beyond itself   gentle currents that stir beneath

then explode in ultimate resonating tonal punches   devastating crescendos

surrendering to the challenge  there are no illusions left    to illuminate & create

                       ONLY REALITY

sound  & motion intertwined  varied  & self-perpetuating

the river conducted down to the sea /  a stream of seen & unseen waves

the sea accepts the river

as the 2 mix & mingle /  direct  / hands on   /  alive   /  naked

as the conductor of a train of thought moves circumstance

as circumstance becomes unhinged by chance & discovery

& the plick-aschwaaaaa & the schwoosh

dome of the rock   &   what is inside the stone  whole & fragmented

unlocking the mind  soul   spirit   heart   flesh   insides   &       outsides

transformative & transitional /  expansive  & extending

hot  looming  medium    finishing with brilliant beginnings.  life melodies. breathing.

river into the ocean        ocean becoming sky.