Tag Archives: Arto Lindsay

Short film music documentary feature: Arto Lindsay…do you remember me?

Text by Sohrab Saadat Lardjevardi

Just by chance, when I was looking for a Melvin Gibbs YouTube video for the DooBeeDoo music listings, I found this video which features Arto Lindsay’s special appearance at the opening reception for Jean-Michel Basquiat’s exhibition, “Sketchbook for Arto”.

I have known Arto since 1991 when I met him and his band The Ambitious Lovers for the first time at the Club Quattro in Tokyo. We met backstage and became friends. I met him again in NY the next year. He invited me to his big apartment in Manhattan. We talked about the NY music scene and about doing some music together. The next year we met again in Tokyo, when he toured Japan again. In his free time I showed him around Tokyo.

From that time on I lost touch with him, because he didn’t come to Japan and I didn’t go to NY. But I heard from music colleagues that he moved to Brazil for private reasons.

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