Tag Archives: Fall and Recover

DooBeeDoo Supports KICKSTARTER Camapign: “Fall and Recover” – A Refugee Dance Film

War torture survivors from Africa and The Middle East overcome their traumatic pasts through movement and dance therapy, in Ireland.

8b55d76918500d1b84f820e71fbe6d49_largeIt is our goal to create a film that uses dance and movement as it’s first language. “Fall and Recover” is a film project working with refugees who have overcome their traumatic pasts through the power of movement and dance. We will be working with a group of war torture survivors from different parts of Africa and the Middle East who have found peace within Ireland. This group of  individuals started dancing as a form of movement therapy, under the direction of John Scott, head of the Irish Dance Theater. Together they created critically acclaimed performances pieces that have toured internationally. John Scott has asked us to come to Ireland with hopes of creating a cinematic version of the project. One of the primary objectives of this film is to explore what film can capture and express that live performance cannot. We hope to create a film that is beautiful and poetic as well as thought provoking and inspiring.


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