Category Archives: Reviews

Event Review: A Night of Funk to Drive Away the Winter Chill – Burnt Sugar Smokehouse

Burnt Sugar SmokehouseDate: February 15, 2015
Venue: The Delancy

Review by Dawoud Kringle

On the coldest night of 2015, musicians and listeners crowded into the blessedly heated basement if the Lower East Side’s Delancy. Burnt Sugar Smoke­house (in solidarity with the Black Rock Coalition) presented a night of NYC’s finest funk rock.

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Event Review: 3 bands…from 3 cities…3 styles of music…very refreshing

Date: January 25, 2015 – Venue: The Cake Shop (NY) – Review by Dante Mann

I attended a performance at The Cake Shop with The Love Experiment, Hildegard, and aStridd. The show was perpetually danceable and the mix of styles proved to be highly cohesive each enhancing the other making for a great overall show.

Boston/New York based alternative funk band The Love Experiment headlined the bill. With three singers, keys, guitar, bass guitar, drums, and some sax on the side they managed to create a unique and modish vibe.

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CD Recommendation: Kaki King…The Guitar is A Shapeshifter

Title: The Neck Is The Bridge To The Body
Label: Short Stuff Records
Genre: acoustic experimental guitar
Release date: March 3, 2015

Kaki King’s groundbreaking new work, The Neck Is A Bridge To The Body, sees the renowned guitarist/composer joining forces with visual performance pioneers Glowing Pictures to construct an innovative multi-media production in which The Guitar itself takes centerstage. The Neck Is A Bridge To The Body debuted at Brooklyn’s BRIC House Ballroom in March 2014, and will tour extensively in 2015. An album featuring the music from the show will also be released in 2015.

The Neck Is A Bridge To The Body lays bare The Guitar’s inner life and protean power, its incalculable possibility and perpetual presence in our deepest unconscious. The hour-long production places the focus directly on The Guitar itself, the Instrument serving as an ontological tabula rasa in a creation myth unlike any other ever presented.

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CD Review: Ayelet Rose Gottlieb…It is within our power to be as we ought to be

Ayelet Rose Gottlieb CD coverArtist: Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
Title: Roadsides
Label: Arogole Music
Genre: world music/traditional/jazz
Review by Dawoud Kringle

Ayelet Rose Gottlieb’s music blends Jazz, Middle-Eastern & Jewish music, combined with her innovative approach to composition & improvisation. Her history is fascinating.

Gottlieb was born in Jerusalem, to a background of mixed cultures and a musically seasoned family. She was exposed to Oum Kalthoum, J.S. Bach, The Beatles, Andres Segovia, Laurie Anderson, Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Dylan, Thelonious Monk, Fairuz, and many others. In her childhood, she played the classical flute until graduating from the High School For the Arts in Jerusalem.

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Event Review: Brooklyn’s Soapbox Gallery Hosts Fundraiser to Save Underground Railroad Property…“There are things in this world more valuable than a dollar.”

Save Our Brooklyn Abolitionist HomeDate: December 19, 2014
Venue: Soapbox Gallery (NY)

Event review by Dawoud Kringle

New York City has a long and colorful history. While much of it was inspirational, much of it was also ugly. There was a time when New York City was the financial capital of the slave trade in North America. The Underground Railroad was a institution that resisted the industry and social convention of selling human beings as property.

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