Category Archives: Reviews

Rock noir from Brooklyn: Mr. Reid Paley!!!

Artist: Reid Paley Trio
Title: Approximate Hellhound vs The Monkey Demon
Label: Metaphor Rythyms
Cat.#: Meta-66
Blues/Rock/singer-song writer

Reviewed by Zack Prewitt

OK. Reid Paley. I’ve seen this name it seems forever. Never heard the guy. Here you go. Not bad. Convincing enough stripped down (you know, trio) blues, rockabilly, country arrangements. The wholly atonal vocals don’t work for everything, but I like Nick Cave so I’d be a hypocrite to not endorse them. They print the lyrics on the insert. That’s cool if you want to learn English to his CD. Should that be the case, I recommend skipping the last song for too much profanity. Good job Reid Paley Trio.

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Okapi…is the only known mammal to wash out its own ears with its tongue: just to catch the weird melodies of nature! Mashallah!!!!


Artist: Okapi                                
Title: Love him
Label: Illegal Art
Cat.#: IA120
Genre: electronica/ sampling

Reviewed by Zack Prewitt


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Rachid Taha led the crowd at the Highline Ballroom (NY) in a timely chant of ” Fuck BP”!!!

Date: June 13, 2010
Venue: Highline Ballroom (NY)

Text by Sohrab Saadt Ladjevardi and Jim Hoey

Rachid Taha rolls his rrrrrrr’s, and lets his husky sound build song after song, crescendoing to climax, and the effect of him and his band recently at the Highline Ballroom show was one of exultation, celebration, rebelliousness, and ultimately, exchange. He’s an Algerian from a small village in North Africa, but was raised in his adolescence in France under discriminatory conditions, influenced by Arabic traditions and the best of Western music like Zeppelin and the Clash that floated in and out of Paris in the early ’80’s, when he was trudging away in a factory and first forming his own band and running a nightclub called “Les Refoules” (The Rejects).


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Istanbulive 2 – Turkish music culture presented in NY’s Central Park!

Date: July 3, 2010
Venue: Central Park Summerstage

Text by Jim Hoey

July 3, 2010 – Under a burning sun recently at NYC’s Central Park Summerstage, the top Turkish music stars turned out to celebrate the sounds of Istanbul and all of Anatolia, as thousands of fans, most of them Turkish, danced and sang along to their favorite songs. This day was labelled Istanbulive 2, a continuation of a new annual show at Central Park, and was marked by strong performances in the traditional, jazz, pop and rock veins.

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