Category Archives: Reviews

Four Women In Action

Texts by Jim Hoey and Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi

Recently in New York City, listeners at places like The Stone and the Galapagos Art Space experienced a fresh wave of female artists passing through, artists that bring unique energy to their instruments and come ready to explore and expand on the vision they’ve formulated over time. The four women in action that are highlighted here are a sample of what you can encounter when you happen upon musicians that are definitely well along on their own artistic road, fighting to make a new sound, presenting a complete, challenging vision for your ears and eyes.

(courtesy of Helga Davis)

Helga Davis Continue reading

India’s Debapriya Adhikary and Samanwaya Sarkar: Jugalbandi in the Village!

Date: May 18, 2010
Venue: St. John’s Lutheran Church, NY

Text by Dawoud Kringle

Photos by courtosy of Veronique Lerebours (HarmoNyom’s production)

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REPLAY – The Syracuse University Symposium on Sound Sampling: a short report.

Location: Syracuse University Library, Belfer Audio Archive (222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010)
Date: April 9th, 2010

Text by Richard Palmer

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