DBDBD NY – cross-cultural on-line magazine – believes based on the view that music and community are indivisible that a social awareness can be fostered through music.
Rally Report: Jazz Musicians’ Rights – Occupy Justice For Jazz Artist (JFJA)…now or never!!!
Text by Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi
Yesterday I joined the Justice For Jazz Artist (JFJA)/LOCAL 802 rally as a union member and as a music activist for the first time. Our goal was to stand up for free speech and send a message to the Blue Note club owners to sign on to the demands of our campaign: pension, pay scales, and protections on recordings for all musicians who play the club. The rally started at the Washington Square Park at 9pm and moved from there towards the Blue Note. The message was taken out with a live band, who were all union members, consisting of union members to spread the word out to jazz fans, musicians, and most importantly, the club owners. About 100 people joined the rally.
All this said, please watch the videos below and you find out what yesterday happened. The video interview with Shane Gasteyer who’s one of the organizers of this rally, will tell you he whole story of this ” jazzy” movement. I hope that some of you people will participate in the next rallies. DooBeeDoo will keep you informed about the rallies and activities of JFJA.
Shane Gasteyer interview
Rally on the way to the Blue Note
Rally approaching Blue Note
Rally in front of the Blue Note
John O’Connor (Local 802’s vice president) ending speech