Recommended Event: Musicians For Musicians (MFM) Open Meeting This Tuesday!

MFM jpg logoDate: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Address: 218 East 25th Street, 1st Fl., New York, NY 10010

For inquiry, please email

For further information about MFM see:

Let’s talk and tell MFM what needs to be done!

Since establishing MFM we have been trying to give her some identity and structure. By doing so, some musicians got the impression that MFM was more concerned about recruiting musicians and trying to get some money contributions instead of getting involved with musicians and talking about their issues. Sorry about that, wasn’t meant so.

So, brothers and sisters let’s start and come to our monthly meetings! MFM is ready to listen to you…hear your concerns…find solutions to your problems.
Please come with your questions and let’s discuss them. MFM was created for you. Without your input MFM can’t breathe! MFM’s founder Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi will run “the show” and ensure that there will be more time for you guys to participate.
We invite you to be an active part of a new musicians’ movement. There are so many ways to participate in MFM.

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