Tag Archives: Dawoud Kringle

RIP Eddie Van Halen 1955 – 2020

Text by Dawoud Kringle

On Tuesday, October 6th, 2020, Edward Lodewijk “Eddie” Van Halen died of cancer at the age of 65.

In 1978, I was listening to the radio, and the DJ of the local rock station announced that he was going to play something from the debut album of a band named Van Halen. Then Eruption came on. As Van Halen’s jaw dropping display of chops smashed through the speakers and seared itself into my ears, I stared at the radio, unable to believe what I was hearing.

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CD Reviews: GREX (Oakland) “Everything You Said Was Wrong” & “A Love Supreme”

Title: Everything You Said Was Wrong
Label: Geomancy Records
Genre: art rock/experimental music

Reviews by Dawoud Kringle

In 2014, I reviewed GREX’ live performance at Spectrum NYC. I recall their performance to be unique, adventurous, and utterly fascinating. In the course of my research, I learned that “grex” is a biological term for an entity composed of several smaller organisms. So I had to wonder what kind of music awaited me in their studio work.

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CD Review: Maria Schneider “Data Lords”

“In the digital world, data lords, who are in a race to amass the entire world’s information, hypnotize us with conveniences, endless information at our fingertips, limitless entertainment, “curated” content, and endless other enticements. While many of those things offer us wonderful tools that enhance our lives and societies in mind-bending ways, a vast number of the enticements numb our minds and lure us into submissiveness.”Maria Schneider

Maria Schneider CD CoverArtist: Maria Schneider Orchestra
Title: Data Lord
Label: self published via Mariaschneider.com
Genre: jazz/protest songs

Featured photo above by Dina Regine

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No PUA Payments Anymore…What’s Going to Happen With Us Working Musicians?

PUA“85% of people are more scared of financial ruin than dying of Corona.” – Keith Levenson

Text by Dawoud Kringle 

Yesterday, yes yesterday!, on July 31st, 2020, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) or the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) $600 weekly payments to individuals who are unable to work because of a COVID-19-related reason but are not eligible for regular or extended unemployment benefits expired. The Senate failed to agree on an extension.
Many of our members applied for it. Some of them – including our President Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi – got some help and assistance by brother Keith Levenson.

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MFM “Speaks Out” Podcast EP 11: Jackie Venson – A Rising Star Out of Austin

“I very quickly realized that a music career without Internet presence in 2012 and beyond was not a music career.” – Jackie Venson

In this episode of MFM Speaks Out, Dawoud Kringle interviews Austin TX based guitarist, singer, songwriter & producer Jackie Venson. The topics discussed include Venson’s beginnings, her stylistic development, her approach to music video, her business model, her experiences as a professional musician during the COVID-19 pandemic, and racism & sexism in the music business.