Tag Archives: MFM member

Christopher Drapeau 2

CD Review: SONOROUS – Zen and the Art of Heavy Metal would come to fruition

Title: An Untold Sadness
Label: An Untold Sadness
Genre: HR-HM

CD Review by Dawoud Kringle

“Focus not on the plan, but on the path, Express yourself through art and imagination, be good and let synchronicity take the reigns” – Christopher Drapeau

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Clive Stevens 2

Book Review: Clive Stevens’ Autobiography “This World and Other Worlds: Quest of a Light Warrior”


Clive StevensBook review by Dawoud Kringle

How does one go about writing an autobiography? Such a task is much easier said than done, and there are almost limitless pitfalls one must avoid in undertaking such a project. Of course the first question one must ask is this: why should I write an autobiography? What justifies committing the history of my life to the literary form?

Clive Stevens has answered that question.

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Concert Review: Lindsey Wilson & the Human Hearts Trio

Lindsey Wilson

Photo by Dawoud Kringle

Date: January 2, 2017
Venue: Bowery Electric

Concert review by Dawoud Kringle

On the cold damp night in the second day of 2017, I left the comfort of my home, and ventured downtown to the Bowery Electric where Lindsey Wilson and the Human Hearts Trio was playing.

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