Tag Archives: MMA

Music Modernization Act

Let’s get the Music Modernization Act (MMA) through the Senate ASAP!


Music Modernization ActPlease send/forward this request to your Senators and to any and all family, friends and colleagues you deem appropriate and request that they in turn also send it to their Senators and to any and all family, friends and colleagues etc. they deem appropriate ….. as well. As time is of great importance here please act promptly, delay could spell the death of this helpful legislation.

Copy and paste this message marked in green below and send it to your senators.

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Music Modernization Act

Music Modernization Act (MMA) Updates

Text by Dawoud Kringle (with Ken Hatfield)

The U.S. House of Representatives embraced music licensing reform, and supported the efforts to update the US’ antiquated copyright laws.  

The new Senate bill combines three separate pieces of legislation: 
1. The Music Modernization Act of 2018 (S.2334, introduced by  Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) in January, which updates licensing and royalties as pertains to streaming). 
2. The CLASSICS Act (or Compensating Legacy Artists for their Songs, Service, & Important Contributions to Society Act, introduced in February by Chris Coons (D-DE) and John Kennedy (R-LA) to ensure that songwriters and artists receive royalties on pre-1972 songs). 
3. The AMP Act (or Allocation for Music Producers Act, introduced in March by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-LA) and ranking committee member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA.) with the support of and Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Kamala Harris (D-CA). 

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