Tag Archives: SoSaLa

Commentary: Iran Rising, Woman, Life, Freedom Movement

By Dawoud Kringle

Before I get to the meat & potatoes about the subject of this article, I must offer a few caveats.

First, I am a Muslim, and this is an article about Iran. So from time to time, I will speak with a Muslim voice – but perhaps not the voice you expected to hear. Second, I have some very specific ideas about geopolitics that some may find at best, interesting and at worst, disturbing or incomprehensible. Finally, I am going to present some very personal thoughts on a few things related to the subject matter and the editorial context in which this is being presented.

You are doubtless aware of the troubles happening in Iran.

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Book Review: David Belmont “World Gone Zoom”…Musician Flexes his Poetry Skills

David BelmontAuthor: David Belmont
Titel: World Gone Zoom – Notes from the American Epicenter
Publisher: The Poetry Box
Buy here: https://thepoetrybox.com/bookstore/world-gone-zoom?mc_cid=390686209d&mc_eid=88475f6457

Book Review by Dawoud Kringle

The fact that musicians also delve into other art forms is nothing new (Miles Davis and Yusef Lateef were painters, for example). So, in May 2021, when David Belmont released a book of poetry titled World Gone Zoom, it was clear that another dimension of a talented musician was brought to the light of day.

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CD Review: SoSaLa “Nu World Trashed”

Nu World Trashed: The New Release by SoSaLa

SoSaLaArtist: SoSaLa
Title: Nu World Trashed
Format: CD (limited edition of 300) ONLY! (Digital release will be February 2021)
Label: DooBeeDoo Rec
Genre: nu world trash/nu jazz/oriental/improv/contemporary

Buy here: https://sohrab.info/press-2/

CD Review by Dawoud Kringle

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The Long Hiatus has Broken: SoSaLa Returns

“I went to see the musician, Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi of SoSaLa a few nights ago, and I must say, that I was totally impressed by his honesty and sincerity.
That’s perhaps one of the things that is missing in many practitioners of the music.
It was quite refreshing to experience his concert presentation.
Billy Harper

PS. It is sometimes good to get “outside of oneself” and see what someone else may be experiencing about his music.”

Date: December 20, 2017
Venue: CA Music Room (NY)

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Kaveh Haghtalab

Kaveh Haghtalab – An Iranian Musician’s Perspective of NY’s Music Scene

Interview by DooBeeDooBeeDoo NY

I had the opportunity to interview Iranian musician Kaveh Haghtalab. He has been contributing music, sounds and rhythms with his kamancheh and drum skills to the New York’s music scene since 2012. His views on the music scene and business in his native Tehran and in New York City bring a fresh and informative view of our business and art.

DooBeeDooBeeDoo NY (DBD): Kaveh, it’s good of you to join us. Please let’s start with your background. You’re Iranian, originally from Tehran. What did you do before coming here? What made you come to New York City in 2012, and what have you been doing since your arrival?

Kaveh Haghtalab (KH): Thanks for having me here at DooBeeDooBeeDoo.

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