ATTENTION MUSICIANS: how will Obamacare affect you?

Text by Local 802

Local 802Question: Everyone’s talking about the Affordable Care Act, but how will “Obamacare” affect those in the arts and entertainment community?

Answer: Affordable health insurance options should increase immensely over the next year.

Did you know that:

  • People who make $15,800/year or less will get free insurance, and people who make less than $46,000/year will get subsidies from the government to buy insurance.
  • In New York, insurance plans will include reimbursement for gym memberships.
  • Small businesses aren’t required to provide insurance, but can get tax credits of up to 50% (or 35% for non-profits) for insuring their workers.
  • Everyone must have insurance by March 31, 2014 or pay a penalty (1% of their income).


Still have questions? Learn much more! Here’s how:

Start at, then come ANY THURSDAY to a free workshop on Obamacare, for musicians and other artists, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at 729 Seventh Avenue (between West 48th Street and West 49th Street), on the 10th floor. No reservations required: just show up! For more information, contact Renata Marinaro at (917) 281-5965 or Local 802 members can also e-mail Local 802 health fund trustee Martha Hyde at with general questions about the Affordable Care Act.