Category Archives: Reviews

Shujaat Hussain Khan: A Branch of an Illustrious Tree

Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010
Venue: Peter Norton/Symphony Space
Presented by the World Music Institute


Shujaat Hussain Khan (photo by Jack Vartoogian)

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The Teepee Project April 29 video report #2!

April 29th, 2010…………..two native New Yorkers, Ed and Koko, put a teepee up in Union Square Park, NYC for people to enter, express their opinions and have their voice heard…

The Teepee project hits Union Square Park to ask the public what they think about Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal to limit the number of artists selling their work in the public parks and streets of NYC…

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What was the Teepee Project about?

Text by Ed Hess

I started the Teepee Project in order to give the average person a platform to express themselves and have their voice heard. Every time I put on the news, I see the tea party coverage and can’t help but think how their views do not represent me and how else can the average person express themselves without dressing up in a silly costume. So instead of sitting on the couch doing nothing, a friend and I decided to put a teepee up in Union Square Park, NYC to record people on video and get their point of view on various concerning topics of the day. It turned out to be a success and we will continue the grass-roots effort for as long as we can. I am a big fan of Sohrab and his music, ever since we met in Central Park last summer. We collaborated on a short film entitled, Death and the Dancer in September of 2009 – Sohrab created the musical score and I directed. Hopefully, we will work together again in the future as he is an extremely talented musician, artist and activist. He was kind enough to show up at the teepee in Union Square and can be seen in part 3 of the series, closing us out with a beautifully played song…

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Jerry Leake’s latest explorations into the mysteries of rhythm worldwide!

Artist: Jerry Leake
Title: Cubist
Cat.#: 1
Label: Rhombus Publishing
Genre: World Beat

Text by Jim Hoey

The number of instruments played by Jerry Leake on his latest album is dizzying and far-reaching, representing five or maybe six continents (I didn’t catch a didgeridoo but I may have missed it), enough to make this one of the most eclectic collections of globetrotting global percussion that I’ve heard yet.

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