Occupy X-Mas tonight?!


Video text

On December 24th 2011 at 11:59 in Zuccotti Park the New York City General Assembly will have a 24 hour gathering beginning with a midnight mass.

Sebastian points out: “Jesus used to tell his disciples, “if you go into a new town, don’t even take a purse. Don’t take a spare pair of shoes with you. Dont take anything. Go in there, speak truth, give love, give service, and you will receive. And if you don’t, brush off the dust, don’t hold a grudge, move on. Find a place where your message will be heard. “”

Then why do so many self proclaimed Christians talk like Jesus wanted us all to compete against each other and for his love? He spoke out most against usury, and preached on undeserved charity. Focus on the needs of others and you’ve created a dialogue, an exchange, and you will receive. Focus only on your own individualism and you will be isolated, that’s science.

General inquiries: Sebastian OWS @ hotmail. com