Today Musicians Union Local 802 AFM and “Justice for Jazz Artists” Marched In Solidarity With Labor in NYC!

Justice_4_Jazz_ArtistsText by John Pietaro

Wow–MAY DAY in NYC was amazing today! The rally covered Union Square Park with banners in red (and green too), union banners, peace signs, placards for immigrants rights and social justice of every kind.

Let’s go and let our voices get heard!!!!

Reggae the voice of the 99%

Best of all: I marched in the Musicians Union Local 802 band that rocked the streets. I was one of three snare drummers syncopating up and down the long stretch from 14th Street to City Hall….along with a kicking bass drummer and a great horn section including good comrade Ras Moshe . ‘Justice for Jazz Artists‘ banners flew over and around us as we jammed all the way downtown. The full line was thousands and thousands strong. A beautiful day for the People……!
Hey—also on hand Sohrab Saadat Ladjevardi carrying the banner when he wasn’t doobeedoo-ing.

What do we want?

The end, my beautiful friend…