Category Archives: Reviews

CD Review: Mem Nahadr…the music weaves a dense tapestry of dreamy, ethereal, and emotionally intense experience

555314_10202062663067015_1966059866_nArtist: Mem Nahadr
Title: Femme Fractale
Label: Madwoman Multimedia
Genre: Neo Soul/R&B
Release date: April 8, 2013

CD Review by Dawoud Kringle

Mem Nahadr, a New York City based internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, performance artist film composer, author, independent filmmaker and multidisciplinary video/sonic visionary, has composed an operatic vision.

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Concert Review: Renato Diz Trio…another jewel in the crown of New York City’s rich music scene

Date: February 27, 2014
Venue: Shapeshifter Lab (NY)

Review by Dawoud Kringle

On a late February night where the intense cold puts one’s endurance to the test and increases the longing for spring, the soon to he legendary Shapeshifter Lab presented Renato Diz‘ Trio. With Diz on piano, Zulfugar Baghirov on soprano sax, and John Doing on drums & percussion, the stage was set for some great music.

A note pantomimes an echo, while fractal harmonies dash in and out of hiding. Percussion makes comments and observations. Then the soprano sax steps up with a melody that coalesced and condensed the primordia into a sensible concept. The pulse on the middle range of the piano continued as improvised musical hieroglyphics manifested around it.

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Concert Review: Pooquette…Their music evokes a world of delicious danger, heavy emotions, and life lived to its extreme.

Photo courtesy of Pooquette

Photo courtesy of Pooquette

Date: February 11, 2014
Venue: Friends And Lovers
Review by Dawoud Kringle

On a freezing February 11th, in a new venue in Brooklyn, a mysterious rubato on an A tonic led the way to a mad Gypsy dance around implied minor chords. After frenetic rhythms and violin pyrotechnics, the song built to a fevered pitch, and abruptly ended.

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Music Meets Activism: “Artists’ Pay for Radio Play” Event At Le Poisson Rouge (NY)

Content Creators Coalition flierDate: February 25, 2014
Venue: Le Poisson Rouge (NY)

Review by Dawoud Kringle

On Tuesday, February 24th, Le Poisson Rouge played host to an important event which was sponsored by the NY chapter of the Content Creators Coalition. One that may well be a landmark in the unfolding of the way that the music business is conducted.

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CD Review: ULLU…you can’t dance to this; but you will trip out.

UllU CD coverArtist: UllU
Title: August
Label: Non-Site Records
Genre: sound scapes/drones
Buy CD: here  (limited Edition of 200 CD’s)

Review by Dawoud Kringle

UllU is the Hindi word for owl. In South Asian tradition, the owl is thought of as a foolish bird (unlike the opposite assessment in Western tradition). This is the surface appearance presented by UllU, a duo consisting of Chris McIntyre (trombone, Nord Lead 2) and David Shively (feedback, drumkit, tapes, combo organ, and siren). The duo produced, edited, and mastered the recording.

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