Category Archives: Musician Issues

David Byrne vs Dave Allen: two opinons. Dear musician in NY whose side are you on!?

David Byrne: ‘The internet will suck all creative content out of the world’

The boom in digital streaming may generate profits for record labels and free content for consumers, but it spells disaster for today’s artists across the creative industries

Photo courtesy of The Guardian

Photo courtesy of The Guardian

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DooBeeDoo Endorses The Next Rally of The “Justice For Jazz Artists” Campaign This Thursday!

J4JAText by J4JA

The J4JA Brass Band will be in Union Square Park on Thursday, as we spread the word about the Justice for Jazz Artists campaign and keep the pressure on Danny Meyer’s Union Square Hospitality Group, the owners of the Jazz Standard.

Join us as we tell NYC jazz club owners that we are not going away, and that jazz musicians deserve fair working standards!

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MUSIC TO OUR EARS: Why musicians, union members and all working people should support Bill de Blasio’s campaign for mayor

68By Local 802 President Tino Gagliardi

The following is a transcript of Local 802 President Tino Gagliardi’s remarks on Aug. 12 in support of Bill de Blasio’s candidacy for mayor of New York City. The announcement event was held on the pedestrian plaza at the corner of Broadway and 44th Street in the heart of the Broadway theatre district. This article will also appear in the September 2013 issue of Allegro, the magazine of Local 802.


Bill de Blasio accepted Local 802′s endorsement on Aug. 12 at a spirited press conference in Times Square that featured live music performed by Local 802 members. Photo: New Yorkers for de Blasio

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Obamacare 101: Overview…get ready and try to find out how it can work for you. Musicians take care of your health!

Text by DarkSydeFollow for Daily Kos

draft2Like many progressives I was deeply disappointed we did not get universal healthcare. But after diving into the basic elements of the Affordable Care Act soon to become law on Jan 1, 2014, I believe the case can be made that what we’re about to get is a vast improvement over what we currently have, in terms of both what is covered and how much it will cost you. There have been many articles here and elsewhere with important bits and pieces of the new law. We thought it would helpful if we could introduce a more organized, nuts and bolts overview this week, following up in future posts by drilling down to specific points of interest such as out-of-pocket cost, how you will choose and enroll in a policy, and providing a platform for the kind of ongoing discussion DailyKos is almost perfectly designed to host………

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